Safeguarding Children
We aim to keep all children safe at Nancledra School. We do this by;
- creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for children and young people
- identifying where there are child welfare concerns and taking action to address them, in partnership with other organisations where appropriate
Our staff receive regular and up to date training in order to understand risks and prevent harm to children.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Helen O'Kane
01736 740409
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Louise Williams
Assistant Headteacher
01736 740409
Safeguarding Governor
Crin Whelan
Support for families and staff
If you are concerned about a child's safety you can contact;
the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) on 0300 123 1116.
out of hours service - 01208 251300
Police 101
or use this link for more information and advice
The links below provide access to websites and documents which will help you find information and support about safeguarding and child protection.
Local Safeguarding Board -
Family Information Service -
Children’s community health and social care services - Early Help Hub
What is Early Help?
Early Help includes help provided in both early childhood and early in the development of a problem. Early Help is available to children and young people of all ages from pre-birth up to the age of 18, and up to the age of 25 where young people have special educational needs or disability.
The link below gives you access to information about these services.